
Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Judah First Review
"Finally, Christian Metal that Makes Sense."
Mission Statement:
To bring the good news of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior to their listeners / audience, through their music ministry to lovers of hard Rock / Heavy Metal; not only through their first CD, THE VISION ROAD, but most importantly while following their true passion of performing on the road for the young people of our nation, offering them a safe, fun atmosphere, and a challenge to engage in a closer relationship with God.
"The center of our music revolves around a message that young people need to hear, a real message for real teens. Relationships are hard, betrayal is hard, and it is easy to fall away from God."
Encourage the listener to
keep their eyes on Christ trusting Him to always be there for believers and seekers, drawing their audience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through a total package of musical inspiration found in their unique Christian music ministry, which focuses primarily on the young, but which also appeals to heavy metal and hard rock music lovers of all ages.
"With a positive message in the music and a ministry minded vision, JUDAH FIRST dedicates itself to putting 100% energy and effort into every performance. They just simply love playing music and being around young people who are looking for a safe, fun atmosphere, and a challenge to engage in a closer relationship with God"
JUDAH FIRST has had a full schedule playing clubs, coffee houses, churches, festivals, rallies, military bases, and youth events through out the United States. Recent tours through AL, VA, NC, IN, OH and their home state, TN have been drawing larger and larger groups of young people. Log onto their web-site,, and find their upcoming tour page to catch an opportunity to experience JUDAH FIRST live.
ON this CD: Band Members: James Aaron - Vocals, Philip Meade - Guitar, Adam Jones - Bass, and Chris Rosenstone - Drums.
Because Adam Jones must take some time off from playing in JUDAH FIRST, at this time, Keyth Harkleroad is playing bass for JUDAH FIRST full time. Adam Jones needed to take some time off for college and studies. Keyth is a native of Kingsport, TN and has performed in several great bands over the years.
"Besides being a jaw dropping good bass player, he has a wonderful heart and loves the Lord. Keyth has told me several times that his favorite part of playing with JUDAH FIRST is being around all the cool people we get to meet."
James Aaron and Philip Meade both grew up in homes where their fathers were pastors, and were involved at a young age in Christian ministry, inspired by the examples of the adults in their formative years, being prepared for their own Christian music ministry that the Lord had planned for them.
Attending and actively participating in church and worship has always been a part of their lives. Their musical talents and goals have been encouraged and supported by their families, church music, youth programs, and the people in their church families as well. James Aaron had been singing in church all his life. Philip Meade started playing drums in high school and moved into playing guitar as he entered college.
The idea of forming a band happened in college where Philip Meade became friends with drummer Chris Rosenstone.
Philip Meade and drummer Chris Rosenstone were first drawn together by their love of the same kind of music in college, which resulted in a forming of their first band together. In 1996, Philip was listening to a heavy metal band called Iron Maiden in his dorm room. All of a sudden, there was a bang on the door and his suite mate, Chris Rosenstone, yelled from the other room, "Hey man, is that Iron Maiden? Cool!" The two began talking about music and realized they had similar interests.
After starting a secular band called "Sojourn," the group played together for a few years, but always felt an important piece of the music was missing; "the aspect of a ministry for Christ with our music."
So, after a few band member changes, James Aaron was brought on board in 2000 and JUDAH FIRST was born, called into a Christian music ministry mainly focused on the young music lovers of hard rock - heavy metal music. The name of the group was inspired by Judges 20:18. The tribe of Judah was to be the first to go into battle, obeying what the Lord had said. So, JUDAH FIRST would be called into a music ministry, to actively reach out to the young people.
"The center of our music revolves around a message that young people need to hear, a real message for real teens. Relationships are hard, betrayal is hard, and it is easy to fall away from God."- Philip Meade
Besides being actively involved in this Holy Spirit inspired, energy driven music ministry, all the band members are busy in ministry in their home churches. "We are all active in church, Philip Meade is a youth pastor at a Baptist church and James Aaron is a worship leader at a church in East TN. We are fortunate to have a church body that supports the music and understands when we have to be away for several weeks."
Others who greatly helped in the making of this CD THE VISION ROAD...
Philip Mead comments,-"JUDAH FIRST is incredibly fortunate to work side by side with Chris Grainger and Russ Long. Their expertise in music is evident in the finished product of THE VISION ROAD.
Chris Grainger - Wore a producer hat on this CD, guiding the band through the recording process from the beginning to the end. Speaking about his own band, Schfvilkus, who never does anything mainstream, Chris explains, "We're about fire and spontaneity." Besides being a producer, Chris, who is also a song writer and a talented guitarist, contributed musically to the CD, giving the listener an example of this "fire and spontaneity" in the song, BREAK UP.
Philip Meade comments, "Chris added some interesting chord progressions during the turnaround part between the verses. Chris is well known for his creative guitar licks and sounds in his eclectic band, Schfvilkus, which landed a contract with TParas Records last year."
Russ Long --an established, well-known Engineer/ Producer, who in 1993, started working with producer Steve Taylor whose credits include Sixpence None the Richer. Long toured with Taylor and his band Chagall Guevera. Long and Taylor opened a recording studio together called The White House where they helped put together / produce CDs for some talented Christian artists.
---Philip Meade relates, "Chris was also able to bring us together with Russ Long, a name that is well known among Nashville producers and engineers. He has worked with such artists as Rich Mullins, Sixpence None the Richer, Carolyn Arends, One, and Relient K."
Tracy Silverman, - is a special guest violin player, who is known for his many classical CDs on Windham Hill, playing music of such composers as Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner, Fryderyk Chopin, George Gershwin, Sergey Rachmaninov, Claude Debussy, Erik Satie, Patrick O'Hearn, Chris Lee, Tim Ellis, and Irish Traditional, among many others. ON VISION ROAD, Tracy Silverman adds his creative, highly skilled performances on a 6 string electric violin on several of the songs on the CD, adding a unique creative zing and color to these songs, showcasing his talent in very different ways. Listen for his unique contributions on the songs FALLING FARTHER, JUDAS GRAVE, BREAK UP, and NIGHTMARES.
THE VISION ROAD CD - Music of JUDAH FIRST......"The objective of their musical compositions was to bring some sense back to the chaotic world of heavy Christian Music with its no-nonsense riff oriented approach and understandable vocal style."
Heavy Metal - Hard Rock bands typically are made up of various electrical guitars and an inevitable strong to over powering presence of drums, relying heavily on the expressive musical and vocal skills of the band members; all which must propel with vigor the hard rock qualities and strong emotions of their compositions.
This CD, THE VISION ROAD is an example of heavy metal Christian music created on a much higher level, than some music that is on the market today. Instead of heavy metal musical mush, which all sounds the same, with deeply emotional vocals which for the most part, can't be understood, the songs on this CD are creatively put together, offering a great listening experience which excels in both the very balanced and interesting musical composition and clear vocals of this emotionally expressive, sometimes explosive genre.
These songs on this interesting, spiritually stimulating CD, THE VISION ROAD are presented to the listener with a stimulating vigor through JUDAH FIRST's musical talent and dedication to the Lord, punctuated by their total performance of showmanship in the recording studio, and well known by the young people who attend their tour concerts.
It is abundantly clear that JUDAH FIRST know their way around their instruments extremely well in the heavy metal genre and can sing clearly solo and in harmony, in various styles on key, no matter what vocal style or volume or tone being used. These talents result in fully expressing the lyrical message and the spirit of their musical compositions, effectively brings all elements of their music roaringly to life.
Themes of the songs explore everyday human problems that not only deal with trials / struggles of the young but also challenge adults as well. Struggles in human relationships, disappointments of the secular culture, human weakness, temptations, and struggles in our walk with the Lord, etc. Themes are tied into the blessing of belonging to Jesus Christ, an unending source of love, compassion, support, direction, and what it means to become a new creature in Him, when we accept him as our Lord and Savior.
While Philip Meade is the song writer for JUDAH FIRST, the songs are arranged together as a group. Philip writes all songs on a guitar, and usually has a chorus in mind as the building block for the song. The tune is then brought to the band and we arrange the song together. That is a very important process, and the band as a whole adds to the overall arrangement of the songs.
Their music really shines above the pack because of a combination of creative dynamic compositions, strong lyrical song content, brought to life by their dynamic, expressive vocals which grip the soul and stimulate spiritual growth, and their unique expression of heavy metal, hard rock music. The use of dynamics in both the compositions and the vocals, which are emotional and expressive where appropriate for each song, are quite effective as well.
The talents of their vocalist, James Aaron, and backup vocals, are impressive. They can use their voices in styles that range from chillingly creepy (THE BATTLE WON - describing darkness musically), mournful, emotionally expressive; solemn to full-blown, heavy metal style, positive and joyous, with terrific vocal diction and without being out of key once! The tone of their voices also have a nice range from dissonant to melodious, which works well with the spirit of the message and musical composition of the songs.
Philip Mead comments: "The vocals were a very important part of The Vision Road, we wanted to incorporate an aggressive yet still understandable vocal style with our music. For example: James Aaron pulls off a wonderful performance in The Battle Won."
All is brought together for maximum effect because of their own electrifying style of hard rock, heavy metal musical compositions, which are full of driving rhythms presented in a balanced partnership between the drums and guitars, plaintive melodies and counter-melodies, some fantastic electrical guitar work, played with great skill and precision, clear and distinct enough to also support the lead vocals - a stunning combination that fully supports the lyrical Christian massages in each song.
JUDAH FIRST's mission statements are propelled mightily through the listening experience, as this CD offers songs which feature interesting compositions uniquely for the most part written in various minor keys, sometimes segueing into a major key when expressing the hope and love we have in our Lord Jesus Christ. The electrical guitars play a vital role in supporting the driving rhythm of the drums, providing thundering, driving 8th, 16th, and 32nd note rhythms, sometimes in syncopation, all flawlessly played together as a single unit, spiced with great dynamics, which showcases their musical abilities to the listener and this reviewer. While providing the rhythms, the electrical guitars also offer interesting counter-melodies, great guitar rifts, and some chordal work which all support the main melody, vocals, and spirit of each song.
JUDAH FIRST's special guest, Tracy Silverman, added spice and dimension to their compositions by performing a 6 string electric violin in the bridge of FALLING FARTHER and doubled his part to generate the soulful "sliding" sound which fascinated this reviewer and will grip the listener as well.. Tracy can also be heard on the songs JUDAS GRAVE, BREAK UP, and NIGHTMARES showcasing a side of his playing not often expressed in this fashion in the Classical music genre.
As you can tell, this reviewer was blown away by her listening experience, in evaluating the songs on this fine CD. One can tell by listening to their songs that these young men are totally on fire for the Lord, and have played a lot of great hard rock / heavy metal Christian music together, because their musical sound and songs have a professional feel to them, which is the result of hard work, practice, lots of creative talent, focus, and most importantly, the empowerment by the Holy Spirit and a dependence on the Lord for inspiration which has all come together, jelling them as a musical group, producing a very promising collection of songs that will draw the listener in and inspire.
Highly recommended for not only those who enjoy hard rock - heavy metal, but also those looking for music with an edge to it while retaining high musical quality and a heartfelt, positive, stirring message of hope, encouragement, and the faithful love we have in our Savior, Jesus Christ, encouraging the listener to develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, depending on Him to guide us down our personal Vision Road.
CD Dedication: "May Our music challenge you to have a genuine relationship with God. It is to Him we give the glory." - PM
Stay Strong in God's Will - Jer. 29:11, Matt.11:29 - Adam Jones
* * * + Title Song: THE VISION ROAD - (Words and Music by Philip Meade and James Aaron) - Written in a minor key.
A strong favorite of this reviewer. Song starts with a strong counter melody carried by a staccato rhythmic 8th notes played precisely by electric guitars, supported by drums,which support the main melody and lyrics sung by James Aaron. Between verses and during chorus, drums come in strongly, with guitars support melody with runs of quarter - eighth notes. Composition builds in intensity and emotion, all which supports the message of the song. A nice variation of guitar work throughout makes the song interesting to listen to, as do all the songs on this CD. Guitars and drums combine nicely in each section of the song, bringing forth the effect aimed at in the song.
Song talks about stepping out in faith with the Lord's support, keeping our eyes on the Lord, as he leads us down the road he has planned for us.
Philip Mead comments, "I wanted the title track of the record to be a theme that every person could understand and relate to. We all have different roads to travel, and sometimes they can be scary. However, keeping our eyes on Christ and having a vision for our future is something we all must do. James Aaron came up with the line 'take my hand as I go, down my vision road' and I thought it was a perfect picture of jumping headfirst into the calling God has in store for us."
Related Scriptural References: (1 Col. 1:9-13, Phil:3: 13-14, John 8:12)
Lyrical Samples:
1) If we would open our eyes, maybe we would see the fallacy of fallen dreams. If we would open our eyes, maybe we would see the purpose of our suffering. Of our suffering.
2) If we would open our minds, maybe we would find the vision road is one less traveled. If we would open our hearts maybe we would feel the victory in the final hour. Final hour.
Chorus: Take my hand as I go, down my vision road. Do you see what I know, down your vision road.
Bridge: Vision, I was blind but now I see. Vision, although the darkness follows me. Vision, breaking chains, and running free. Vision, now I See...
Coda and Chorus: If we would open our hearts, surely we would feel the victory in the final hour. In the final hour. Lead singer: Take my hand as I go, down my vision road. Do you see what I know, down your vision road. Backup vocals sing at same time- (Surely we would feel the victory in the final hour).
(Music fades and only the vocals singing these two phrases are heard).
* * * + THE BATTLE WON - Words and Music by Philip Meade.
Another favorite of this reviewer. Again pulse-raising 8th and 16th and 32nd note rhythms done in synchronization with the drums starts the song, establishing the rhythms, spirit, and melody. Offers strong counter melody in this precise coordinated rhythms of electric guitars, synchronized with the drums, which varies interestingly throughout the piece, nicely supporting the strong, effective vocals. Composed in minor keys.
James Aaron provides the perfect chillingly creepy vocals, which carry the main melody, for first verse, which describes musically the scary ugliness of being in fear and darkness and lost without a connection, forgetting or unwilling to claim the victory we already have in the Lord. Second verse is done in a similar style but with two vocals, with nice harmony that compliments the feeling of the piece.
Comments from Philip: "I have a piece of paper taped to my ceiling above my bed that says, 'Philip, God is already there.' It reminds me that most things I will encounter during that day I do not have to fret and worry about, but I still find myself fighting unnecessary battles. This song is about God already fighting battles for us, and our reluctance to claim the victory."
Related Scriptural References: (John 8:12, Phil: 4-6,7, Matt. 6:31-34, 1 Peter 5:7, Hebrews 13:5-6, 1 Thess. 4:17)
Lyrical Samples:
1) Fear is bringing forth the darkness. Pain is coursing through your veins. Take the chance you won't be sorry, (you) hesitate another day.
Chorus: What can I do to make you understand? No need to fight the battle won.
2) Claim your gift, release the sorrow. Hear the nails drop to the ground. Melancholy guilty reason (wasting) time kept the scars alive. Chorus
3) But don't ask Him to bleed for your conscience pending (can't you read the writing on the wall) Can't you read the writing on the wall. Raise the stakes, open your passion. Breathe again and make your start. Hear the trumpet sound its echo (flying) high to meet us in the sky. Chorus
Hook: But don't ask Him to bleed for your conscience pending (can't you read the writing on the wall) Can't you read the writing on the wall. The blood is pouring from the Master. This selfish pride will kill us all.
* * * JUDAS GRAVE - Words and Music by Philip Meade.
Song has this reviewer's favorite rhythmic opening of all the CD's songs . Intro starts with 4 measures of just half of the underlying 8th and 16th note rhythm (guitars and drums)/ melody of the song, an intro to the introduction. Segues into full rhythmic background and melody support of the vocals. Nice change in Chorus. Melody and vocals are supported by support chords of electric guitars. Spoken words supported by a smooth broken chord background, which dynamically builds nicely. Electric violin solo in interlude adds a wild zing which perks up one's ears and adds flavor as well.
Comments from Philip: "Betrayal is one of the most difficult things to face. Placing trust in someone only to have that trust misused and tossed aside is hard to come back from. But we must. The phrase, 'Judas Grave' is symbolic of burying the past feelings of hurt and placing trust in the one place it will never be misused. Therefore, the line, 'my Judas Grave is almost here' is a positive line of getting to a place where you let the past be the past."
Related Scriptural References: (Romans 5:1-5, 8:28, 8:31, & 8:38)
Lyrical Samples:
1) We live our dream, it's all your own. I know it's a lie, but you make it so hard to let go. You gave me love, but it doesn't show. My body is weak and you're casting soft words of stone.
Chorus: Will you make your contribution? Are you walking by my side? Do I feel the retribution, Of a lover's love gone mild.
2) My Judas grave is almost here. The road is long but I know I've shed your last tear. Chorus
Spoken (The road is long and the burden heavy from the ocean's crashing wave, but I found I just go back for more. And I can't understand the point of a pointless life, but there I was. I just go back for more.} - Music Interlude: Basic guitar rhythmic pattern - Chorus
Hook: I will make my contribution, Walking closely by His side. Do I feel the piercing anguish Of a Savior's sacrifice.
* * * + TERROR LIFE - Words and Music by Philip Meade.
Another strong favorite of this reviewer. Composed in a minor key, starts simply with a solemn, vocal and broken chord acoustic guitar, with soft accent of electrical guitar in the background. Lyrics describe a person in deep emotional pain. Segues effortlessly into pounding (but nor overbearing) beat of drums and electric guitar rhythms playing support chords which also support the emerging melody, plus some more "interesting" vocals. Vocals offer a variety of styles and intensity, which are always refreshing, and express so well the emotion of the lyrics. Song features a variety of interesting guitar work, which play a nice range of rhythms, offer great melody support, and of course the most enjoyable interludes of creative guitar and violin riffs. Electric violin once again offers sparkle and spice to the piece.
The demeanor of the song changes, as the total package describes the effect of conforming to the secular world's values and not being the light of Christ to be seen by others. Our behavior that is inspired by our personal weaknesses can hinder the faith of people in our lives. A sobering thought indeed.
Song features a variety of interesting guitar work, which play a nice range of rhythms, offer great melody support, and of course the most enjoyable interludes of creative guitar and violin riffs.
Comments from Philip: "This is the song I get the most questions about. I guess it seems like a negative song just listening to the words themselves, but when you place them all together, 'Terror Life' is a song about being careful of the example you set to others. 'Killing is my business and I'm running out of clients' simply refers to the way we kill the possibly of those close to us seeing Christ when we live just like everyone else. The person in this song finally realizes that there is more to God than singing hymns and wearing your Sunday best."
Related Scriptural References: (1 John 2:15-17, Romans 12:1-2, 7:15-25, Ephesians 4:1-4, Thess. 5:11)
Lyrical Samples:
1) Here I stand now on my own again. Another day has come and gone. Here comes the pain, here comes the tears, here comes another aching heart. My mind can't take this anymore.
Changes venue here:
Running 'round in circles from the bottom of my mind. Killing is my business and I'm running out of clients. No more can you keep me in, my minds made up, my life is starting here. My past is forcing me to fall. Me to fall.
Broken hearts and broken thoughts have filled my empty tomb. The night is waiting anxiously to offer up her doom. Death is getting close for me, the grave is near I'm sweating now. I think there's more to life than I've seen. Than I've seen. Terror Life.
Terror from my life and now I see the evil of my ways. They open up the gates of Hell and welcome me to play. Terror from my life and now I need to change my evil ways. Enter in Jesus Christ you know it's not too late. Too late.
* * * + BLOOD - Words and Music by Philip Meade and James Aaron.
Another strong favorite of this reviewer; something for everyone - a joyous, driven praise song, celebrating what Jesus did for us on the cross and his resurrection. Parts of the song, the lengthy intro, and the interludes between the verses showcase skill, spirit, and great song writing and collaboration, offering several different meter changes, melody/ counter melody and rhythms which keep it all fresh and interesting. Slips easily from a minor key to a major key in several places. Remind this reviewer of a type of Irish, hard rock jig, interspersed between vocals and rap and lots of great electric guitar work and inspiring electrical guitar solos by Meade, and a variety of staccato rhythms, with an infectious melody, and enthusiastic vocals. Vocals once again dynamically express the emotions of the lyrics.
Features a rather wildly innovative electric guitar solo played by Philip Meade,after second Rap verse, including some great syncopation by all.
Nice harmony in vocals.
Philip comments: "Straight forward song about the incredible way the blood of Jesus can change the heart and give us the power to live victorious lives."
Related Scriptural References: (Ephesians 3:17-19, Romans 10: 8-9, 13, Col. 1:9-11)
Lyrical Samples:
In this blood of mine, if you want inside, I've got the cure we all live for. In this blood of mine, if you want inside. I've got the power that HE died for.
In this blood of mine, there is no disguise. No more hiding behind lies.
(Rhythm & melody changes) Rap (with a triumphant attitude) 1: No more lies, can I tell, see, can I hear, Since my old blood has disappeared, Been replaced by this new blood I can't explain. Everybody in the house seems to know my name Cause of the blood.
Rap 2: I'm walking tall I've got my head held high, I've discovered something new that I'll never die. I can show myself to be who I am. Even if some people don't understand. (Harmonious chorus) - This blood..... blood..... blood... blood...... blood.
Rap 3 This blood it flows free. For all eternity. It runs all across the land. Can't you see our time is at hand? No more running now you cannot say. Soon it will be our sings) judgment (nice building harmony).
Ends with same Irish hard rock jig.
* * * FALLING FARTHER -Words and Music by Philip Meade and James Aaron.
Starts off with an ominous beginning melody in a dotted eighth rhythm, followed by 16th note run / broken chords on guitars. Another nice interlude begins the song.
A hard rock composition with soft touches of broken chords of electrical guitars are perfectly blended for this prayer hymn of confession (heavy metal style) to the Lord and to ask for help and strength.. Starts off with an ominous interlude of beginning melody in a dotted eighth rhythm, followed by 16th note run broken chords on guitars. Between verses, a light sounding electric guitar places a mellow broken chord solo with the rhythmic electric guitars. Guitars switch to chordal support to vocals in Chorus. Strong vocals and a catchy melody are a great medium to bring the message of the lyrics.
* * * + A really awesome soulful sliding sound is created by the 6 string electric violin at the end of the 2nd time through the chorus.
Philip's Comments: "All of us lead very busy lives. We make hundreds of choices every day that affect the way our future unfolds. In the midst of all the chaos comes the danger of slowly slipping away from what is important. This song is a cry to God to help a soul to stop following societies rules and come back to Him.
Related Scriptural References: (Romans 12:2, Matt. 6:33, Ephesians 3:17-19, 1 John 2:15)
Lyrical Samples:
Sometimes I wonder what my life's for, Have I chose a path I can't afford. Sometimes I play your evil game. When I'm all alone I scream your name.
Sometimes I wonder if I can change. Turn back the clock and be rearranged. Sometimes I wonder if I can change. Turn back the clock and be rearranged. Sometimes I wonder who I can trust. In my soul are pains from the wounds of lust.
Chorus: Falling Farther from the King. Following society. Father help me, hands held high. Lift me, save me with Your power. Power. Power.
Darkness so bright inside of me. Lighting of all animosity. I turn my head to see my life. All I see are dreams and days gone by. Chorus
* * * + BREAK UP - Words and Music by Philip Meade.
Another strong favorite of this reviewer. Song has a wonderful variety of changes in the composition, making it a great listening experience, all which supports the painful theme of a relationship breakup. Chorus has a nice melody, calmer, heartfelt, as it is a prayer for help. Verses reflect what is being said to the "significant other."
Driving 16th notes of electric guitars and drums set the tempo and mood, and intro the melody. Strong, bright, clear vocals as usual. Chorus guitars soften into broken and solid chord support. Listen for some fine guitar work involving interesting chord progressions during some of the interludes and the Bridge, courtesy of Chris Grainger.
Melody and rhythm changes after 2nd chorus, segues into a nice syncopated rhythmic melody played by electric guitars, which support another freeform electric violin solo. Nice chord changes between interludes, before violin riff.
Philip's Comments: " 'Break Up' is the most personal song on the record for me. It really a small clip from an experience that happened to me in a relationship. Lots of words spoken, plenty of promises expressed, but ultimately any relationship not fully grounded in God's love will miss the most important blessings in life. In my example, I finally had to come to grips with the fact that things were over, and I was walking away from a relationship with the 'sin running down my back,' meaning all those negative things from the relationship were no longer part of my life."
Related Scriptural References: (Romans 11: 9-10, 1 CO. 13: 4-13, Galations 5:16, 22- 26, 2 CO. 6:14)
Lyrical Samples:
Ten times apart and back together. I feel the sting of endless lies. Sit by the phone my head is ringing. The silent room of compromise and lies.
Chorus: When I think of where I started and what I might now be. Help me father time, to get past the line.
Where are those words that you promised. Where was our promise to the Son. Lost in the broken truths of reason. We left behind the One who won the blood.
Bridge: It's time we just break up. Your sin is running down my back. Your sin, running down my back. Two lives, torn apart by lust (inside of). Running down my back. Your sin, running down my back. Repeat.
* * * ++ MISERY - Words and Music by Philip Meade and A Martin.
Reviewer's Absolute Favorite: A song that really cooks!!! After an interesting drum introduction, song starts with another joyous heavy metal jig of praise expressed so well through the driven 8th and 16th notes and balanced drums, so cleanly played, catching the energy of the composition. Guitars are allowed to be the stars. I would classify this as a song perfect for an altar call. Strong vocals carry the melody and enthusiasm and joy of the lyrics. Nice meter changes, and a variety of rhythms.
Philip's Comments: "Many people have told the band that the title of this song does not match the message of the song, which is about God's grace, love and never ending compassion. The last minute of the song turns from a third person point of view describing God's wonderful qualities, to a first person of view which is God Himself speaking. How disappointing it must be to offer so many gifts to His children everyday and still have them turn their back."
Related Scriptural References: (John 14:1, Matt. 7:7-8, Proverbs 8:17, Psalm 136, Romans 10: 8-9, 13, John 10:27-30 & John 6:39)
Lyrical Samples:
Let God into your life. He wants to hold you tight. He forgives all your past. His love will always last. No need to live in sin. Don't be afraid to let Him in. He gives the gift of love. You don't need to know why.
Ask God into your heart. Your life He will restart. Feel the love when He smiles. Don't walk alone for miles. Do you think you've searched enough. Do you feel life's getting tough. Reach out and ask Him in. He won't ask why.
If you have faith, If you have trust, If you love life, Ask for His love. God wants to hold your hand. Spread His love across the land. His Son He died on the cross. Do you want to know why?
Hook, I've always cared for you. Always observing all the things you do. You turned your back on me.
Why must we put Him through this misery?
* * * NIGHTMARES - Words and Music by Philip Meade and A. Martin.
Frenetic feeling of emotional distress brought to life right away with fast moving eighth / 16th / 32nd notes and violin sets the tone for this composition. Vocals express the deep distress, varying in intensity as they carry the melody - guitars play chords in support during parts of the song.
After first Chorus, tempo / meter / mood of the song segues into something completely different. Broken chords on an electric guitar, (acoustical style) and plaintive, soft melody intro of electric violin. Supports solemn harmonic vocals of third verse which segues into another joyous jig which symbolizes the relief felt after turning to the Lord, remembering that he belongs to Jesus, who "has brought me life. No longer lost, I'm reaching out. Thank God who gave me life."
The lyrics vividly describe a person overcome with the troubles of this world. Many people suffer with nightmares caused by their emotional pain, anxiety from stress, tension, negative emotions. The Answer to our emotional storms that awash us during the night and plague us during the day is a relationship with Jesus Christ, The Bread of Life, the One who we can always depend on to be there with us through our trials,sustaining us, who will always answer our prayers and is capable of giving us a peace and joy beyond all understanding, despite our outward circumstances.
Philip's Comments:"When the Light shines, there is no more darkness, there are no more nightmares."
Related Scriptural References: (Romans 8:28, Phil. 4: 6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, John 8:12, John 6:35 & 2 CO. 4:8-10)
Lyrical Samples:
I lie awake, can't go to sleep. Can't face my dreams, they are waiting there for me. Crying in the dark, sweat pouring off of me. They say it's just a dream. Why is my blood running free?
No where to run, no where to hide. What do you do, when the terror is in your mind. I try to stay awake, til morning comes. To face the day, with the rising sun.
Chorus: I can't remember who I am. My madness holds me tight. My fears assault my dreaming mind. My soul screaming from the fright.
Sleep reaches out to pull me down. My dreams speak invitingly. I see through the lies. My nightmares wait to trample me. I lie there sweating till the morning comes The sunlight will rescue me. Only light can chase away my fears. Only God can set me free. Chorus
Now I remember who I am. That Christ has brought me life. No longer lost, I'm reaching out. Thank God who gave me life

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